On September 15th, the residents of Oak Tree Retirement Village Skye participated in yarn bombing, a collective task that can be completed safely and individually.
“It’s been a wonderful project to keep residents engaged and take their minds off the COVID pandemic”, said Joseph Bailouni, the Village Manager at Oak Tree Skye.
Resident Margaret, who typically has a very active social life outside the village and has greatly felt the impact of the restrictions, said the yarn bombing activity helped her get through the day.
Val, a resident who loves to be creative, said that the yarn bombing was a great outlet for her creativity during lockdown. Similarly, Dorothy, an avid knitter, said it kept her sane by giving her something to do and a purpose to knit.
As well as the yarn bombing activity, residents have also been dancing to keep themselves busy and entertained, a fun activity they can do together while social distancing. On the morning of August 17th, they gathered around the village bowling green to do the hokey pokey together!
In recent times, staying connected has never been more important. Oak Tree Retirement Skye can provide a sense of community, connection, and the comfort of always having a friendly neighbour close by. This has been crucial for the residents recently, as they’ve been unable to see their friends and family during lockdown.
“At times like these and always, I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. I’m so happy and feel so safe and secure. I’m living a beautiful life here.” – Resident Anne Bamforth.