A young person giving a senior person a gift at Christmas

Embracing the spirit of giving: 7 meaningful ways to give back this Christmas!

With the festive season fast approaching, we’re beginning to decorate our Christmas trees, organise family celebrations, and purchase heartfelt gifts for loved ones. The air is filled with warmth, joy, and the excitement of the holidays nearing!

Unfortunately, not everyone has a roof over their head, family to connect with, or a gift to receive this Christmas. With that in mind, this holiday season is the perfect opportunity to practice gratitude, spread kindness, and make a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most.

Although it’s sometimes easy to feel small and helpless with everything happening in the world, we need to remember that one person can make a difference, and even the smallest contributions help to create positive change. Embracing the spirit of giving is incredibly rewarding, and there are countless, simple ways to contribute to the well-being of those in need.

Here are 5 meaningful ways to give back this Christmas and contribute to your community and beyond.

Donate, no matter how big or small.

World Vision have compiled a list of 10 powerful ways you can give back this Christmas by donating just $50! From providing a family with a piglet to help them thrive, to keeping children safe from exploitation, there are so many people in need this Christmas and even a small donation has the power to change their lives!

You can find donation options here:


Sponsor a child.

Child sponsorship is the most effective and rewarding way to help give children a better future. You can also sponsor a child through World Vision this Christmas, helping to empower them through life-changing education, health, and child protection programs. The harsh reality is that 160 million children are trapped in darkness due to child labour alone, so shining the light of generosity on a child this Christmas will truly light up their world.

For $48 a month, you get to create a real connection with a child and support them through a range of development programs. Your donation means life-changing access to clean water, food, health, education, and more, helping to address the root causes of poverty and creating transformation and sustainable change in a child’s life.

To learn more about sponsoring a child this Christmas, visit: https://www.worldvision.com.au/sponsor-a-child

Foster or adopt an animal.

Animals also need our help this festive season! Heartbreakingly, three pets are abandoned every hour over the holiday period. You can help to change an animal’s life this Christmas by providing them with a temporary or forever home. Welcoming a pet into your home is a big decision, but if you’ve been thinking about purchasing one recently, consider adopting one of the many animals in desperate need of a loving family. If you aren’t ready to properly commit yet, you could also foster one, helping to ensure they are healthy and happy, and can avoid living in a shelter until they find their forever home. 

For more information on how to adopt or foster an animal, visit:



Support small local businesses.

This holiday season, consider redirecting some of your holiday spending to local businesses instead of larger corporations. Purchasing gifts, decorations, and festive food from local shops not only contributes positively to the community’s economy, but also helps small businesses thrive!

Supporting smaller businesses can also be an environmentally conscious choice. When you buy from local shops, the products typically travel shorter distances, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation. Also, many smaller, local businesses prioritise sustainable and eco-friendly practices, contributing to a more environmentally friendly shopping experience!

Other ways you can support local businesses this Christmas include dining at local restaurants instead of chains, attending local markets and events in the community, and spreading the word about positive experiences you’ve had to encourage others to support local.

Donate items to Vinnies.

Christmas time provides the perfect opportunity to go through all your belongings and do a big decluttering day. Not only will this mean you start completely fresh and clear headed for 2024, but it also means you’ll have items to donate to those in need.

By donating to Vinnies, you’ll help fund their charity programs across the country. Every dollar made through Vinnies shops goes back into the local community, and they support over 1.3 million vulnerable Australians each year! When you drop off items, you’re not only donating them to people in need, but you’re reducing the impact on the environment by keeping them out of landfill, reducing the need to make and distribute new products, and using less paper and plastic packaging.

The Vinnies rule of thumb is if you’d give it to a friend, then it’s okay to give to Vinnies. They accept donations of most clothing, homewares, and household items, including men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing and accessories including footwear, bags, and jewellery. They also accept homewares, kids’ toys, books, CDs, and DVDs, and some furniture and electrical goods depending on the shop.

Some shops offer a pick-up service. Call 13 18 12 to call your local Vinnies stop and find out if they collect donations.

Volunteer your time.

Volunteering your precious time this Christmas is a direct way to make a difference in the world. Find local shelters, food banks, or community organisations that could use the extra help this holiday season. Whether it’s serving meals, wrapping gifts, or participating in community events, your time and energy will be greatly appreciated, and will bring joy to others!

Support the Salvation Army.

The Salvation Army’s Christmas Wishes appeal allows you to choose gifts from a beautiful range of initiatives to relieve suffering in the community. Browse your online catalogue, choose Christmas Wishes that inspire you, and add them to your cart. In return, you’ll receive a unique Wishes card to give your loved ones on Christmas Day, and your generous donation will be used to give people in need something they’re wishing for this Christmas!

For $30, you can gift an isolated Australian a wonderful, shared Christmas lunch, and for $35 you can gift a struggling family with a beautiful hamper of treats and staples.

For $50, you can help an older Australian pay for their increasing medical costs so they can get the care they need this Christmas, and for $65, you can help families in desperate need celebrate Christmas, with presents for their children and food for Christmas Day.

Don’t worry if you aren’t in a position to donate much, as there’s a range of donation options – from $5 to providing a hearty cup of soup and a kind word to someone who’s experiencing homelessness and spending Christmas alone, to $22,800 to provide an incredible six months of stable accommodation and meals in a safe environment to someone in need!

Whether it’s big or small, every donation counts and has the ability to make someone’s Christmas!

To donate to the Salvation Army, visit:


The festive season provides the perfect opportunity to appreciate all that we have and recognise that so many others aren’t as lucky. It’s about celebrating love, compassion, and the joy that comes with making a difference.

By giving back this holiday season, you can make a positive impact on the lives of others, whether it be through donations, volunteer work, or simply supporting local. By embodying the spirit of generosity, you can make this holiday season truly special for both you and those in need!

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